Learning How To Release Emotion

By Deborah Moore

Everyone needs to show their emotions from time to time. It is only natural to become angry, anxious, fearful or upset. However, there are people who don't know how to release emotion and to express this. They will simply bottle this up inside and repress it. It is obviously unhealthy to be walking around like this.

Often, parents have taught their kids to be strong and not to cry. They may have been taught to do the same things in their own childhood. This is why they use these types of parenting skills. It is difficult for them to show emotions of their own because of the way in which they have been brought up.

Often, they will turn to alcohol. This may be their way of dealing with their anger. However, other people will continue to simply carry a lot of these feelings around like a burden. They become heavy in doing so. It is a heavy weight to carry around with you. There may be people who find an outlet which can come in the form of a creative activity.

When anger begins to brew up inside of you, you will often bottle this up until it becomes so great, that you become depressed and suffer from various other forms of psychological disorders. It is not only the psychological issues, but it is also physical pain that can come up from time to time. People can struggle with headaches and stomach ache and back pain, for example.

One needs to look for the right type of therapist to be able to process these feelings. There may be practical aspects to the therapy which can be helpful. There are also methods that will help you to cope with aspects, such as when you struggle with psychological issues. These can come up as a result of repressing these feelings.

Of course, this can be a long process during therapy. It will obviously depend on the underlying issue. Some people struggle with something such as abuse. They may be suffering from PTSD. They may have been suffering from recent triggers which have led to flashbacks. There is obviously a lot to deal with.

A person like this will struggle to express themselves because it is not something that they are used to doing. However, there are many ways of doing this. A therapist may feel the best way forward is to be more practical. This can include role play or art therapy. Other therapists will encourage the patient to talk without pushing them.

Even after therapy, there will still be obstacles that you will have to face in your life. Children who have been abused in the past, will be scarred, but therapy will at least have helped them to cope with various situations that come their way. You will get to know yourself and you will also listen to your body which will make you feel confident and self aware as well.

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