Gluten Free Health Coach Greenville SC

By Larry Wagner

Everybody knows that exercise is the best way to control or maintain a person s weight. Different exercises have different functions and target the human body in different ways. Be it cardiovascular, aerobic or strength exercises the bottomline among them is the same. The more calories burnt the more weight lost. What isn t as common however is the fact that where a person exercises also need a diet and gluten free health coach Greenville SC is exactly the needed.

Firstly, training in a gym means that a person is surrounded by like minded people. They may all have different goals in terms of their weight loss or muscle building but the gym is a place designated for people of all shapes and sizes who can come and achieve their body oriented goals.

Exercising on a daily or regular basis strengthens your heart. Your heart being a muscle means that it s able to work more efficiently and do its job of pumping blood around your body with less strain. Other added benefits of training at a gym linked to the heart is the lowering of blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, allowing for a smoother transition of blood within the nervous system.

Training at a gym has other benefits too, as going to gym on the regular puts a person in contact with other people and fosters the opportunity to develop social skills and self esteem.

Training at a gym offers the comfort of having one to one guidance in how exercises are performed and someone to spot and motivate you through that gruelling final rep. This information is even more important for individuals who happen to be novices at the gym or have taken a long periods away before deciding to train again as they can use the assistance of a helpful gym assistants/trainers.

A study from the University of Irving in California found that the germs found in gyms were prone to and regularly lived up to three days, due to the ideal living conditions created by the hard surfaces abundant in a gym setting. In some cases, bacteria like Staphylococcus and E.coli were found which should cause reason for alarm as these bacteria can be fatal.

Furthermore, exercise can aid in the regulation of addiction as it s well know that addition is a result of dopamine being released into the body creating that feel good feeling. Although exercise itself has the potential to become addictive, it s often used as a way to decrease people s dependence on substance abuse because exercise is able to give the same feeling without harming the body.

Exercising has amazing benefits but coupled with a venue that allows for a more exercise. Gyms aren t only just structures built to house people huffing and puffing but a great place to meet new people and make friends who want to make a change or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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