An Overview Of Rwanda Education Assistance Project Commission

By Linda Mitchell

Over the past years, Rwanda has been struggling to improve its education system after suffering significant consequences due to the civil war. It has tried to come up with ways to help its children acquire the best learning with the intention of improving its standards. In the processes involved, it has developed a Rwanda education Assistance Project committee with the aim of developing better ways to improve it in the country. The following is a discussion on the ways it has been involved in.

For the process to be handled appropriately, the individuals in the committee ought to have a good experience in all aspects of schooling. They must have been involved in several other boards which have had the same aim within the country or in other countries. Meaning, they have acquired the required competencies to handle the present problems and introduce better ways of improving the sector.

Secondly, the individuals must have had the best training in prominent institutions. This enables them to acquire the required skills and capabilities of knowing best to introduce in their country system. Moreover, they get to learn other useful methods used in other developed nations and which have helped them be in their present standards. For that reason, these experts ought to hold Ph. D. Degrees.

A reputation of the professionals is another thing that enables them to prove their competences. This is determined by the quality of their contributions towards the improvement of the systems. For that reason, they need to have engaged in a variety of tasks before which has enhanced significant improvements over the years. Meaning that they have the abilities to spearhead any project and ensuring that the country benefits.

As the specialists proceed with their implementation, they are required to understand where the country has come from and where it is heading. They ought not to forget to educate their learners on great aspects and issues which have led to their current lives. Therefore, they should come up with curriculums which will help the learners understand how beneficial the introduced systems are to their development and for the advancement of the nation.

The language used in the curriculums developed should be readily understood by all involved persons. This means that the implementer have a mandate of ensuring that they have excellent communication skills in both conversing orally and in written form. More to that, they should ensure that they understand the language to use for every age of their learners to help all students acquire the intended knowledge.

When it comes to giving contributions, the individuals involved are required to work as a team. They all have varying experiences and fields of expertise, and for that reason, each one of them will have differing contributions. Hence, they should respect each input and ensure that they work together to come up with adequate solutions to their problems.

In conclusion, the government ought to take charge of all tasks to be engaged. Meaning, it has the power to enable the projects laid down to succeed. This is through making sure that it has funded all experts and ideas to help in allowing all issues to work as planned. More to that, it should follow up and motivate the participants.

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