An Overview Of African Presence In The Bible

By Helen Long

Truly, the founding beliefs in Christianity realm have been misguided by the current biblical citations which have biased illusions. This has solely being triggered by the ideology of masking the African presence in this holy book and absolutely dominating it with European characters. This is contrary to the multiculturalism nature of the bible which supports a variety of churches and Christ-hood ways. The history and archaeological activities have aided prove the African presence in the bible.

However, a size-able number of sojourner crews have invested most of their mental and other resources to comprehensively extract the original truth in this book by uncovering African presence in it. This has been brought into action by the attribute of modern generation which typically bases their faith on a well-founded truth. Similarly, it has helped explain the homogeneity of using a sole hue when painting biblical characters.

It is clearly evidenced in biblical texts that Africa is the cradle of humankind and is mentioned more times in this book than any other landmass in the world. This out rightly shows its presence in this holy book and thus most events outlined in it took place in such a continent. This hypothesis is depicted by the mention of terms like Ethiopians, Egyptians, Cushitic or other tribal words rooted in this continent.

The first man was described to have a skin hue of black continent by the Hebrews. This has helped illustrate that in ancient times the black people took part in holy scriptural activities basing on such imprints. In addition, the first and second Romans persecuted Christians had their saint pictures painted in black an aspect that vividly showed that there existed African origin saints in the past.

In addition, as the world nations are tabulated based on their origin, colored nations are pro-genies of a dark-skinned son of Noah, namely; Ham. This is based on the definition of his name which implies a dark-skinned person. This has vividly shown the factual availability of Africans in both the before Christ died and after his death.

In addition, many ancient and famed Hebrew patriarchs had married to adorable women from African tribes. Abraham; who was the father of faith, had children with Hagar from the Hamitic tribe in Africa. Moses was married to an Ethiopian whilst Jacob begot children with two handmaidens from African tribes. Thus, Africans played a paramount task in patriarch scriptures.

Moreover, the Africans were at the founding of the early church after the day of Pentecost. This is clearly illustrated by the first Gentile convert who was the Ethiopian eunuch. Thus, the presence of Africans in biblical texts has helped channel the vision of the Creator for humanity which advocates majorly on a reconciled relationship in a diversified approach.

Thus, the presence of black people in this bible has helped streamline the humanity redemption through a diversified mode. This diversity of scriptural formulation has out rightly manifested the nature of Supernatural Being which is well accommodated by a blend of a variety of colors, nations, and ethnicity.

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