How To Respond To God's Silence When He Is Reshaping Your Life

By Ann Miller

This world is not so enjoyable. Everywhere you go to, you hear stories of hatred, murder, war, hunger, and depression. People are faced with different kinds of trials and temptations inflicted by humans and perpetrated by the devil. Yet, in all these, the maker of the universe knows how best to use all of them in reshaping your life. This is to say that if you are passing through any of these things right now, rejoice if you are on the Lord's side. Even though it is difficult, reading the scriptures and praying consistently can help you overcome.

There are several ways to read the scriptures during this period. The first one you may want to consider is reading with a devotional. Using a devotional makes you anticipate opening the Bible every morning, evening or any time you have decided to have your devotion. The notes they contain also gives a good interpretation of the passage so that you can be really blessed for the day.

Also, try to make it a routine. Choose a particular time of the day to read your Bible. As that time draws closer, you feel a kind of intimacy with God. Remember He is the only one who is capable of giving you life in a new dimension.

If you attend a church that organizes early morning prayers or there is one around you doing that, participating in it before going to work or school will help to reshape your life to a large extent. The prayers made by the pastor conducting the service can go a long way in helping you out of any predicaments. You will also be more assured of God's presence with you throughout the day.

Apps now make Bible reading easier and more convenient. Instead of searching from Genesis to Revelation for passages that deal on anger, for example, the apps can give it to you instantly. Others keep presenting verses you never knew existed in the Bible. You may also like those that present the verses at a particular time every day.

Starting and ending a devotion with prayers is necessary. Taking down what God is saying to you from the passage will help you throughout the day. It is amazing how these scriptures are sometimes encountered on a day when they will be most useful.

Instead of filling the email message box with irrelevant things, you should rather subscribe to daily emails for God's word. They can come in the form of exposition, trending issues, news, and more. It supplements what one must have read in the morning and increases the chances of being reshaped as you get inspired by the real-life stories of others.

So what you are supposed to do in times of trial is never to give up. Trials are important to make you a better person so if you have prayed for an increase, you should be prepared to face this. But God is faithful, he has given you examples to follow in the scriptures. Following them and reading his admonition will help you to conquer

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