Your Inner Morgan Freeman And The Internal Critic

By Evan Sanders

Take a second to imagine that you're sitting in a pretty loud bar having a pretty crappy day. Alright are you there? Good.

On your left there's an absolutely drunk-to-their-last-cell baseball fan screaming and yelling at the TV while spilling his drink everywhere. He's obnoxious, loud, angry, and completely out of control. To make matters worse, he's taken a liking to you and continues to yell in your ear everything about what's wrong with the game, how much the umpires suck, how much the players suck and everything else that is wrong in the world.

Even though you tried to get away from him, he is following you and you can't escape. Good lord. God help you.

So you just sit there with your head resting on your arm listening to this guys sob story about how bad life is and how everything is going to fall apart.

The worst part about all of it is the fact that he is so damn loud you can't even hear yourself think! And I know what you're saying at this point..."I didn't ask for this he just showed up!"

Oh well. For the foreseeable future you're going to be stuck in this place. Might as well get comfortable.

So the interesting thing about this whole entire scenario, is that while you were in it, you didn't realize that Morgan Freeman was trying to get your attention all along. He was softly speaking to you in your other ear but you couldn't hear him because of this drunk fan grabbing all of your attention in your left year.

How did you miss Morgan? Because that drunk fan is a perfect representation of your internal critic.

It's a jerk. In fact, most of our internal critics (that negative voice in our mind) are incredibly vicious and know exactly what to say to destroy us. Then, there's the voice of your inner wisdom.

It tells you which path to take, what to do, and how to be in situations that will resonate deeply with your core and allow you to continue being yourself. Its voice is much lower, softer (but powerful) and takes some time to tune into...

Your inner Morgan Freeman is the guiding voice of your life.

But if you lose focus and pay attention to the fan, you will never hear that voice. You will only hear negativity.

And not the love, passion, drive, and enthusiasm. So, today, take some time when things are sounding pretty negative in your head, and see if you can hear your inner Morgan Freeman speaking.

You will certainly not regret it.

Listen to that voice inside.

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