Some Concepts On Nurturing A Brave Life

By Gregory Hayes

Crucial moments in life may fail to be enjoyed when one is afraid. Fear is something that is experienced by every single person, regardless of age, gender or social position. As a matter of fact, fear is the way the body responds to certain unusual occurrences in daily living. It only becomes alarming when it goes beyond the standard, to a point that it compromises the life of an individual. Therefore, it is very important for one to learn ways of nurturing a brave life in order to survive.

To begin with, it is of utmost importance for one to accept fear being a problem in their life. It does not make it any better if the problem is swept under the carpet and hoping that it will disappear by itself. Embracing personal fear enables one to face their daily challenges in a more relaxed manner, without having to worry too much.

Upon acknowledgement, it becomes much easier to confront a problem, taking one day at a time. As they say, an elephant needs to be eaten a bite at a time. Therefore, one should handle the fear knowing that it may not be overcome in one instance and that it may take several attempts to put up a perfect act of bravery.

The next thing that one needs to do is to find a mentor. It is easier to journey through life when you have someone you can identify with and look up to. There are people who may have similar experiences as you and have a success story to tell. Learning from mistakes that such people have made in the past acts as a guide to your own struggles. The ideal mentor is one who is slightly older or just about the same age.

Bravery calls for a very supportive family and friends. Every single day is lived with the advantage of loved ones being by your side. The support empowers one to soar to greater heights as they are being cheered on with love and admiration. One is able to brave challenges regardless of whatever comes their way because they know they have somebody to go home to.

There are many areas in life that require one to be courageous. A woman in labour, for example, needs to be brave enough to be able to deliver the baby successfully. Courage is equally crucial for anyone diagnosed with a serious condition or one that may be terminal. Another situation where bravery may be needed is in public speaking.

In some instances, getting a support group may be the way to go if a situation takes too long overcome. Finding a couple of people to share common challenges helps individuals renew their strength knowing that challenges happen to other people too. Support groups should meet on given days during the week to share the hurdles they have had to overcome since their previous meeting.

In conclusion, it is important for individuals to know that fear can affect anyone, no matter who they are. It takes great determination and patience to overcome it. The main secret is to take a day at a time and celebrate even the small successes that come your way.

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