Lowering Heart Disease Risk By Undergoing Stress Counseling Omaha NE Is Offering

By Amy Reed

During emotional and physical stress, the fight or flight response takes place in which the body is flooded with the hormone referred to as cortisol. Although it offers some health benefits, the incessant presence of cortisol can in fact do more harm than good. Doctors say that heart disease is one of those various problems that may strike due to constantly elevated cortisol levels. This is why somebody who is leading a very stressful life should think about undergoing stress counseling Omaha NE experts offer.

An elevation in the blood pressure can stem from a surge in the levels of cortisol. Such happens to in order to ensure that oxygen molecules from the lungs are properly delivered by the circulatory system to the various tissues such as the skeletal muscles. Health experts say that an increase in the blood pressure once in a while is harmless.

However, it is a completely different story if an individual's blood pressure is elevated perpetually. That's because it is something that can damage the blood vessels eventually. What's more, sooner or later it can affect the heart negatively. This is why a blood pressure that's constantly high is a risk factor for heart disease.

The levels of your bad cholesterol may soar as well if there's too much cortisol in your bloodstream constantly. Just like what it's referred to suggests, bad cholesterol is harmful. Lots of it can lead to the hardening of the walls of your arteries. Too much bad cholesterol can also trigger plaque aggregation, which is something that can result in arterial narrowing or clogging.

When the arteries are clogged, blood circulation is severely compromised. It only means that the various cells, tissues and organs may fail to get much needed oxygen. One of those that may be deprived of oxygen is the brain. Doctors say that a stroke may happen if part of a person's brain fails to obtain oxygen rich blood. Sometimes it can be blamed on the clogging of the arteries, but in some cases it can be due to a blood clot.

The heart muscles may be deprived of oxygen molecules as well. Chest pain or what's medically known as angina may occur as a result of such. It is during intense physical activity or severe emotional stress when angina usually strikes. Doctors say that at times it's actually a warning sign of a heart attack. Other symptoms that may show up together with angina are dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating and shortness of breath.

Based on scientific investigations, elevated cortisol also causes an increase in the blood sugar levels. One of the risk factors for diabetes is having high levels of blood sugar constantly. If diabetes is managed ineffectively, so many health complications may show up one day, and one of those is deadly heart disease.

The reasons why being stressed constantly can cause heart problems are varied. Needless to say, managing stress effectively is of utmost importance. Undergoing counseling is undeniably one of the wisest moves that may be taken by an individual who has a stressful life.

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