Financial Stress & The Best Tips, By Robert Jain, For Every College Student

By Jason McDonald

The life of a college student isn't without its bumps in the road. These go far beyond exams and reports, as the matter of money tends to be the one that causes the most stress. Even though having to account for numerous debts seems impossible, it doesn't have to be. Robert Jain, as well as other names in the world of finance, will tell you that money doesn't have to be worried about. Here are just a few ways that students can minimize financial stress.

For those that are looking to keep financial stress to a minimum during college, rest is required. How many times have you lost sleep on an exam that you had to study more for? What about cramming for a paper that is due the following day? Instances like these can result in a lack of substantial rest, which shouldn't become habits. Eight hours of sleep each night will not only keep you attentive in class but names like Bob Jain will tell you that rest ultimately reduces financial stress.

Financial stress may come from a misunderstanding of needs and wants. In simplest terms, the former can be deemed immediate and the latter can be held off on or ignored entirely. For instance, if you have your sights set on a new car, you have to ask yourself if you absolutely need it in the moment. On the flipside, if your current car is low on gas, it's necessary to spend the money on fuel. This is another great way to keep your stress levels low.

Your job may also be causing you financial stress. Perhaps you're not as concerned about what you earn but instead how it fits into your overall schedule. Not only should your job coincide with your courses, but you should leave time to enjoy your personal life. Otherwise, you will end up with little to no downtime to speak of. Land a job that will be flexible enough for you to fulfill and account for other responsibilities in life.

For those that are looking to protect themselves as much as possible, reducing financial stress in the process, create an emergency savings account. For those that don't know, the account in question is effective in terms of keeping you covered during the unexpected. Events such as injury or the loss of a job can create financial turmoil, which results in considerable stress. By slowly building a separate account, saving a small amount of money each week, you'll eventually be left with an emergency account that will provide peace of mind of the highest level.

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