With Every Level There's A New Devil

By Evan Sanders

There's an huge challenge that faces dreamers.

What makes dreamers and people who pursue their goals unique is that they tend to go against the grain. Going the route of being popular seems to be all too shallow for them. They head in a direction where no trail has been created and see something that no-one else has made yet. While taking risks is challenging in it's natural right, it is even more difficult for the reason that dreamers also need to face the feedback of those who do not share their same zeal for the things that haven't been made yet.

Dreamers are faced with an incredible difficult decision to make: follow the crowd or decide to lead everyone on a path towards something greater.

Every single time a dreamer comes into the world with a grand vision for what is possible there are massive forces working against that same vision. The people in our world do not like to change and would rather follow what feels comfortable instead of living up to their maximum potential.

The one fundamental question that arises time and time again for dreamers is whether or not they should follow their gut feelings deep inside of them or fall back "into place" with the rest of society where it's comfortable and warm?

Honestly, there is just one decision to be made.

Dreamers must create because it is built into their blood. They must do what they think is right because they know what is possible for them and for others. The thought of taking their dream to the grave and not having at least given it a shot is terrifying to them. They know that they have to forge ahead through all of the fear, doubt, and worry to feel fulfilled in life.

Naturally as they start to shake some trees criticism will come.

No matter what though, continue to move ahead. Continue to pave the way for other people who cannot see the light. One day they will thank you.

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