Abcs Of Concrete Color Pigment

By Estelle Larsen

The invention of reinforced concrete is often attributed to builder William Wilkinson, who asked in 1854 a patent for a system that included iron armor for 'improving housing construction, warehouses and other fire-resistant buildings. Sydney Opera House, a building designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon in 1957 and opened in 1973, in Sydney, Australia used concrete color pigment.

These factors depend on environmental conditions structural requirements. Maximum volume is influenced by the amounts of water and cement involved. By reducing the amount of paste (the amount of aggregate being increased), the density is increased. In the design of reinforced concrete (reinforced), the unit weight is normally considered 2400 kg / cubic meters (150 lb / ft).

Thanks to the Roman architect Vitruvius' work Ten Books on Architecture, today we have a pretty good knowledge of how toprepare the contemporary binder. There was a mixture of lime and silica. By adding water, there is a chemical reaction between the two materials that form calcium silicate hydrate. This technique was lost until you found Vitruvius' work in the year 1414. Limestone is still the main ingredient in concrete mixtures.

The variety of concretes that have emerged around the late twentieth century, has been allowed to exist: concrete reinforced with glass fibers (GRC), cellular concretes lightened with natural, self-compacting fibers. The history of this material represents an essential chapter in the history of building construction. When it was decided to construct buildings using clay or stone materials, it became necessary to obtain pastes or mortars that allow attaching said to form stable masonry structures.

The slab is a composite material used in construction, consisting essentially of a binder to particles or fragments of an aggregate, water and specific additives. The binder is in most cases the cement mixed with a suitable proportion of water for a hydration reaction to occur. Aggregate particles, depending on their average diameter, are aggregates. The single mix of cement (is composed of sand and water.

The use of recycled materials as ingredients has been gaining popularity because of increasingly severe environmental legislation and the growing awareness of society. More recycled ingredients used are fly ash, a byproduct of coal-fired power plants. The environmental impact of the cement industry is significant, but with the use of these new materials quarries and reducing possible landfills, since they act as a substitute for cement, and reduce the amount needed to obtain a good concrete.

The ancient Romans used sand or volcanic ash, also known as pozzolan, containing silica and alumina, to combine chemically with lime to make the so-called pozzolan cement (obtained in Pozzuoli, near Vesuvius). This material was used to construct pipes and port facilities, whose remains still exist. Buildings like the various arches of Roman Colosseum, the Basilica of Maxentius span over 25 meters.

Among them, the most important is the nuclear reactor that collapsed in the Chernobyl plant, which was covered with concrete to prevent radiation leaks. Concrete is the material resulting aggregates unite with paste obtained by adding water to a conglomerante. The binder can be any, but when we refer to concrete, usually is an artificial cement, and between them, the most important. Aggregates come from the disintegration or grinding, natural or artificial rocks and, according to the nature thereof, are called siliceous aggregates, limestone, granite, etc. The aggregate whose size is greater than 5 mm is called coarse or gravel, whereas less than 5 mm is called arena.

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